Rig Veda Mandal - 10 (Part - 10) HYMN 111 Indra1 BRING forth your sacred song ye prudent singers, even as are the thoughts of human beings. 2 The hymn shone brightly from the seat of worship: to the kine came the Bull, the Heifer's Offipring 3 Indra knows, verily, how to hear our singing, for he, victorious, made a path for Surya. 4 Praised by Angirases, Indra demolished with might the works of the great watery monster 5 The counterpart of heaven and earth is Indra: he knoweth all libations, slayeth Susna. 6 The Vrtra-slaver with his bolt felled Vrtra: the magic of the godless, waxen mighty, 7 When the Dawns come attendant upon Surya their rays discover wealth of divers colours. 8 Far have they gone, the first of all these waters, the waters that flowed forth when Indra sent
them. 9 Thou didst free rivers swallowed by the Dragon; and rapidly they set themselves in motion, 10 Yearning together they have sped to Sindhu: the Fort-destroyer, praised, of old, hath loved them.