Rig Veda Mandal - 10 (Part - 10) HYMN 115 Agni1 VERILY wondrous is the tender Youngling's growth who never draweth nigh to drink his Mothers'
milk. 2 Then Agni was his name, most active to bestow, gathering up the trees with his consuming tooth; 3 Praise him, yourGod who, bird-like, rests upon a tree, scattering drops of juice and pouring forth his flood, 4 Thou Everlasting, whom, far-striding fain to burn, the winds, uninterrupted, never overcome, 5 This Agni is the best of Kanvas, Kanvas' Friend, Conqueror of the foe whether afar or near. 6 Do thou, Supitrya, swiftly following, make thyself the lord of Jatavedas, mightiest of all, 7 Thus noble Agni with princes and mortal men is lauded, excellent for conquering strength with
chiefs, 8 O Son of Strength, Victorious, with this title Upastuta's most potent voice reveres thee. 9 Thus, Agni, have the sons of Vrstihavya, the Rsis, the Upastutas invoked thee.