Rig Veda Mandal - 10 (Part - 10) HYMN 128 Visvedevas1 LET me win glory, Agni, in our battles: enkindling thee, may we support our bodies. 2 May all the Gods be on my side in battle, the Maruts led by Indra, Visnu, Agni. 3 May the Gods grant me riches; may the blessing and invocation of the Gods assist me. 4 For me let them present all mine oblations, and let my mind's intention be accomplished. 5 Ye six divine Expanses, grant us freedom: here, all ye Gods, acquit yourselves like heroes. 6 Baffling the wrath of our opponents, Agni, guard us as our infallible Protector. 7 Lord of the world, Creator of creators the saviour God who overcomes the foeman. 8 Foodful, and much-invoked, at this our calling mty the great Bull vouchsafe us wide protection. 9 Let those who are our foemen stay. afar from us: with Indra and with Agni we will drive them off.