Rig Veda Mandal - 10 (Part - 10) HYMN 20 Agni1 SEND unto us a good and happy mind. 2 1 worship Agni, Youthfullest of Gods, resistless, Friend of laws; 3 Whom with their mouth they magnify, bannered with flame and homed in light. 4 Kind, Furtherer of men, he comes, when he hath reached the ends of heaven,
5 To taste man's offerings, he, the Strong, hath risen erect at sacrifice: 6 Here are oblation, worship, rest: rapidly comes his furtherance. 7 With service for chief bliss I seek the Lord of Sacrifice, Agni, whom 8 Blest evermore be all the men who come from us, who magnify 9 The path he treads is black and white and red, and striped, and brown, crimson, and glorious. 10 Thus with his thoughts, O Son of Strength, O Agni, hath Vimada, accordant with the Immortals,