Rig Veda Mandal - 10 (Part - 10) HYMN 32 Indra1 FORTH speed the Pair to bring the meditating God, benevolent with boons sent in return for
boons. 2 Thou wanderest far, O Indra, through the spheres of light and realms of earth, the region, thou
whom many praise! 3 More beautiful than beauty must this seem to me, when the son duly careth for his parents' line. 4 This beauteous place of meeting have I looked upon, where, like milch-cows, the kine order the
marriage train; 5 The Pious One hath reached your place before the rest: One only moves victorious with the Rudras' band. 6 He who maintains the Laws of God informed me that thou wast lying hidden in the waters. 7 The stranger asks the way of him who knows it: taught by the skilful guide he travels onward. 8 Even now he breathed: these days hath he remembered. Concealed, he sucked the bosom of his
Mother. 9 O Kalasa, all these blessings will we bring them, O Kurusravana, who give rich presents.