Rig Veda Mandal - 10 (Part - 10) HYMN 5 Agni1 HE only is the Sea, holder of treasures: born many a time he views the hearts within us. 2 Inhabiting one dwelling-place in common, strong Stallions and the Mares have come together. 3 The Holy Pair, of wondrous power, have coupled: they formed the Infant, they who bred produced
him. 4 For tracks of Order and refreshing viands attend from ancient times the goodly Infant. 5 He, calling loudly to the Seven red Sisters, hath, skilled in sweet drink, brought them to be looked
on. 6 Seven are the pathways which the wise have fashioned; to one of these may come the troubled
mortal. 7 Not Being, Being in the highest heaven, in Aditi's bosom and in Daksa's birthplace,