Rig Veda Mandal - 10 (Part - 10) HYMN 62 Visvedevas Etc.1 YE, who, adorned with guerdon through the sacrifice, have won you Indra's friendship and eternal
life, 2 The Fathers, who drave forth the wealth in cattle, have in the year's courses cleft Vala by Eternal
Law: 3 Ye raised the Sun to heaven by everlasting Law, and spread broad earth, the Mother, out on every side. 4 This kinsman in your dwellingplace speaks pleasant words: give car to this, ye Rsis, children of the Gods. 5 Distinguished by their varied form, these Rsis have been deeply moved. 6 Distinguished by their varied form, they sprang from Agni, from the sky. 7 With Indra for associate the priests have cleared the stable full of steeds and kine, 8 May this man's sons be multiplied; like springing corn may Manu grow, 9 No one attains to him, as though a man would grasp the heights of heaven. 10 Yadu and Turva, too, have given two Dasas, well-disposed, to serve, 11 Blest be the hamlet's chief, most liberal Manu, and may his bounty rival that of Surya.