Rig Veda Mandal - 10 (Part - 10) HYMN 63 Visvedevas1 MAY they who would assume kinship from far away, Vivasvan's generations, dearly loved of men, 2 For worthy of obeisance, Gods, are all your names, worthy of adoration and of sacrifice. 3 I will rejoice in these Adityas for my weal, for whom the Mother pours forth water rich in balm, 4 Looking on men, ne'er slumbering, they by their deserts attained as Gods to lofty immortality. 5 Great Kings who bless us, who have come to sacrifice, who, ne'er assailed, have set their mansion in the sky,- 6 Who offereth to you the laud that ye accept, O ye All-Gods of Manu, many as ye are? 7 Ye to whom Manu, by seven priests, with kindled fire, offered the first oblation with his heart and
soul, 8 Wise Deities, who have dominion o'er the world, ye thinkers over all that moves not and that
moves, 9 In battles we invoke Indra still swift to hear, and all the holy Host of Heaven who banish grief, 10 Mightily-saving Earth, incomparable Heaven the good guide Aditi who gives secure defence 11 Bless us, all Holy Ones, that we may have your help, guard and protect us from malignant injury. 12 Keep all disease afar and sordid sacrifice, keep off the wicked man's malicious enmity. 13 Untouched by any evil, every mortal thrives, and, following the Law, spreads in his progeny. 14 That which ye guard and grace in battle, O ye Gods, ye Maruts, where the prize is wealth, where
heroes win, 15 Vouchsafe us blessing in our paths and desert tracts, blessing in waters and in battle, for the light; 16 The noblest Svasti with abundant riches, who comes to what is good by distant pathway,- 17 Thus hatb the thoughtful sage, the son of Plati, praised you, O Aditi and all Adityas,