Rig Veda Mandal - 10 (Part - 10) HYMN 76 Press-stones1 I GRASP at you when power and strength begin to dawn: bedew ye, Indra and the Maruts, Heaven and Earth, 2 Press the libation out, most excellent of all: the Pressing-stone is grasped like a hand-guided steed. 3 Juice that this Stone pours out removes defect of ours, as in old time it brought prosperity to man. 4 Drive ye the treacherous demons far away from us: keep Nirrti afar and banish Penury. 5 To you who are more mighty than the heavens themselves, who, finishing your task with more than Vibhvan's speed, 6 Stirred be the glorious Stones: let it press out the juice, the Stone with heavenly song that reaches up to heaven, 7 The Stones press out the Soma, swift as car-borne men, and, eager for the spoil, drain forth the sap thereof 8 Ye, present men, have been most skilful in your work, even ye, O Stones who pressed Soma for
Indra's drink.