Rig Veda Mandal - 10 (Part - 10) HYMN 79 Agni1 I HAVE beheld the might of this Great Being. Immortal in the midst of tribes of mortals. 2 His eyes are turned away, his head is hidden: unsated with his tongue he eats the fuel. 3 Seeking, as 'twere, his Mother's secret bosom, he, like a child, creeps on through wide-spread
bushes. 4 This holy Law I tell you, Earth and Heaven: the Infant at his birth dovours his Parents. 5 This man who quickly gives him food, who offers his gifts of oil and butter and supports him, - 6 Agni, hast thou committed sin or treason among the Gods? In ignorance I ask thee. 7 He born in wood hath yoked his horses rushing in all directions, held with reins that glitter.