Rig Veda Mandal - 10 (Part - 10) HYMN 82 Visvakarman1 THE Father of the eye, the Wise in spirit, created both these worlds submerged in fatness. 2 Mighty in mind and power is Visvakarman, Maker, Disposer, and most lofty Presence. 3 Father who made us, he who, as Disposer, knoweth all races and all things existing, 4 To him in sacrifice they offered treasures,-Rsis of old, in numerous troops, as singers, 5 That which is earlier than this earth and heaven, before the Asuras and Gods had being,- 6 The waters, they received that germ primeval wherein the Gods were gathefed all together. 7 Ye will not find him who produced these creatures: another thing hath risen up among you.