Rig Veda Mandal - 10 (Part - 10) HYMN 98 The Gods1 COME, be thou Mitra, Varuna, or Pusan, come, O Brhaspati, to mine oblation: 2 The God, intelligent, the speedy envoy whom thou hast sent hath come to me, Devapi: 3 Within my mouth, Brhaspati, deposit speech lucid, vigorous, and free from weakness, 4 Let the sweet drops descend on us, O Indra: give us enough to lade a thousand wagons. 5 Knowing the God's good-will, Devapi, Rsi, the son of Rstisena, sate as Hotar. 6 Gathered together in that highest ocean, the waters stood by deities obstructed. 7 When as chief priest for Santanu, Devapi, chosen for Hotar's duty, prayed beseeching, 8 O Agni whom Devapi Arstisena, the mortal man, hath kindled in his glory, 9 All ancient Rsis with their songs approached thee, even thee, O Much-invoked, at sacrifices. 10 The wagon-loads, the nine-and-ninety thousand, these have been offered up to thee, O Agni. 11 Give thou these ninety thousand loads, O Agni, to Indra, to the Bull, to be his portion. 12 O Agni, drive afar our foes, our troubles chase malady away and wicked demons.