Rig Veda Mandal - 2 (Part - 2) HYMN 16 Indra1 To him, your own, the best among the good, I bring eulogy, like oblation in the kindled fire. 2 Without whom naught exists, Indra the Lofty One; in whom alone all powers heroic are combined. 3 Not by both worlds is thine own power to be surpassed, nor may thy car be stayed by mountains or by seas. 4 For all men bring their will to him the Resolute, to him the Holy One, to him the Strong they cleave. 5 The vessel of the strong flows forth, the flood of meath, unto the Strong who feeds upon the strong, for drink, 6 Strong is thy thunderbolt, yea, and thy car is strong; strong are thy Bay Steeds and thy weapons
powerful. 7 I, bold by prayer, come near thee in thy sacred rites, thee like a saving ship, thee shouting in the
war. 8 Turn thee unto us ere calamity come nigh, as a cow full of pasture turns her to her calf. 9 Now let that wealthy Cow of thine, O Indra, yield in return a boon to him who lauds thee.