Rig Veda Mandal - 2 (Part - 2) HYMN 2 Agni1 WITH sacrifice exalt Agni who knows all life; worship him 'with oblation and the song of praise, 2 At night and morning, Agni, have they called to thee, like milch-kine in their stalls lowing to meet
their young. 3 Him have the Gods established at the region's base, doer of wondrous deeds, Herald of heaven and earth; 4 Him have they set in his own dwelling, in the vault, like the Moon waxing, fulgent, in the realm of air. 5 May he as Priest encompass all the sacrifice. men throng to him with offerings and with hymns of
praise. 6 Such as thou art, brilliantly kindled for our weal, a liberal giver, send us riches in thy shine, 7 Agni, give us great wealth, give riches thousandfold. unclose to us, like doors, strength that shall
bring renown. 8 Enkindled night by night at every morning's dawn, may he shine forth with red flame like the realm of light 9 Song chanted by us men, O Agni, Ancient One, has swelled unto the deathless Gods in lofty
heaven- 10 Agni, may we show forth our valour with the steed or with the power of prayer beyond all other
men; 11 Such, Conqueror! be to us, be worthy of our praise, thou for whom princes nobly born exert
themselves; 12 Knower of all that lives, O Agni may we both, singers of praise and chiefs, be in thy keeping still. 13 The princely worshippers who send to those who sing thy praise, O Agni, guerdon, graced with
kine and steeds,-