Rig Veda Mandal - 2 (Part - 2) HYMN 27 Adityas1 THESE hymns that drop down fatness, with the ladle I ever offer tothe Kings Adityas. 2 With one accord may Aryaman and Mitra and Varuna this day accept this praise-song- 3 These Gods, Adityas, vast, profound, and faithful, with many eyes, fain to deceive the wicked, 4 Upholding that which moves and that which moves not, Adityas, Gods, protectors of all being, 5 May I, Adityas, share m this your favour which, Aryaman, brings profit e'en in danger. 6 Smooth is your path, O Aryaman and Mitra; excellent is it, Varuna, and thornless. 7 Mother of Kings, may Aditi transport us, by fair paths Aryaman, beyond all hatred. 8 With their support they stay three earths, three heavens; three are their functions in the Gods'
assembly. 9 Golden and splendid, pure like streams of water, they hold aloft the three bright heavenly regions. 10 11 Neither the right nor left do I distinguish, neither the cast nor yet the west, Adityas. 12 He who bears gifts unto the Kings, true Leaders, he whom their everlasting blessings prosper, 13 Pure, faithful, very strong, with heroes round him, he dwells beside the waters rich with pasture. 14 Aditi, Mitra, Varuna, forgive us however we have erred and sinned against you. 15 For him the Twain united pour their fulness, the rain from heaven: he thrives most highly
favoured. 16 Your guiles, ye Holy Ones, to quell oppressors, your snares spread out against the foe, Adityas, 17 May1 not live, O Varuna, to witness my wealthy, liberal, dear friend's destitution.