Rig Veda Mandal - 3 (Part - 3) HYMN 43 Indra1 MOUNTED upon thy chariot-seat approach us: thine is the Sorna-draught from days aforetime. 2 Come our true Friend, passing by many people; come with thy two Bay Steeds to our devotions; 3 Pleased, with thy Bay Steeds, Indra, God, come quickly to this our sacrifice that heightens worship; 4 Yea, let thy two Bay Stallions bear thee hither, well limbed and good to draw, thy dear companions. 5 Wilt thou not make me guardian of the people, make me, impetuous Maghavan, their ruler? 6 Yoked to thy chariot, led thy tall Bays, Indra, companions of thy banquet, bear thee hither, 7 Drink of the strong pressed out by strong ones, Indra, that which the Falcon brought thee when
thou longedst; 8 Call we on Indra, Makhavan, auspicious, best Hero in the fight where spoil is gathered;