Rig Veda Mandal - 3 (Part - 3) HYMN 5 Agni1 AGNI who shines against the Dawns is wakened. The holy Singer who precedes the sages. 2 Agni hath waxen mighty by laudations, to be adored with hymns of those who praise him. 3 Amid men's homes hath Agni been established, fulfilling with the Law, Friend, germ of waters. 4 Agni is Mitra when enkindled duly, Mitra as Priest, Varuna, Jatavedas; 5 The Earth's, the Bird's dear lofty place he guardeth, he guardeth in his might the course of Surya, 6 The skilful God who knows all forms of knowledge made for himself a fair form, meet for worship. 7 Agni hath entered longingly the longing shrine rich with fatness, giving easy access. 8 Born suddenly, by plants he grew to greatness, when tender shoots with holy oil increased him, 9 Extolled, the Strong shone forth with kindled fuel to the earth's centre, to the height of heaven. 10 Best of all luminaries lofty Agni supported with his flame the height of heaven, 11 As holy food, Agni to thine invoker give wealth in cattle, lasting, rich in marvels.