Rig Veda Mandal - 5 (Part - 5) HYMN 25 Agni1 I WILL sing near, for grace, your God Agni, for he is good to us. 2 For be is true, whpm men of old enkindled, and the Gods themselves, 3 With wisdom that surpasseth all, with gracious will most excellent, 4 Agni is King, for he extends to mortals and to Gods alike. 5 Agni gives to the worshipper a son, the best, of mightiest fame, 6 Agni bestows the hero-lord who conquers with the men in fight. 7 The mightiest song is Agni's: shine on high, thou who art rich in light. 8 Resplendent are thy rays of light: loud is thy voice like pressing-stones. 9 Thus, seeking riches, have we paid homage to Agni Conqueror.