Rig Veda Mandal - 5 (Part - 5) HYMN 33 Indra1 GREAT praise to Indra, great and strong mid heroes, I ponder thus, the feeble to the Mighty, 2 So made attentive by our hymns, Steer! Indra! thou fastenedst the girth of thy Bay Coursers, 3 They were not turned to us-wtrd, lofty Indra! while yet through lack of prayer they stood 4 Thou, because many lauds are thine, O Indra, wast active warring in the fields 5 Thine are we, Indra; thine are all these people, conscious of might, whose cars are set in motion. 6 Strength much to be desired is in thee, Indra: the Immortal dances forth his hero exploits. 7 Thus favour us, O Indra, with ihy succour; Hero, protect the bards who sing thy praises. 8 And these ten steeds which Trasadasyu gives me, the goldrich chief, the son of Purukutsa, 9 And these, bestowed as sacrificial guerdon, the powerful tawny steeds of Marutasva; 10 And these commended horses, bright and active, by Dhvanya son of Laksmana presented,