Rig Veda Mandal - 5 (Part - 5) HYMN 73 Asvins1 WHETHER, O Asvins, ye this day be far remote or near at hand, 2 These here, who show o'er widest space, bringing full many a wondrous act, 3 Another beauteous wheel have ye fixed there to decorate your car. 4 That deed of yours that is extolled, Visvas! hath all been done with this. 5 When Surya mounted on your car that rolls for ever rapidly, 6 Atri bethinks himself of you, O Heroes, with a friendly mind, 7 Strong is your swiftly moving steed, famed his exertion in the course 8 Lovers of sweetness, Rudras, she who streams with sweetness waits on you. 9 Asvins, with truth they call you Twain bestowers of felicity; 10 Most pleasing to the Asvins be these prayers which magnify their might,