Rig Veda Mandal - 1 (Part - 1) HYMN 10 Indra1 The chanters hymn thee, they who say the word of praise magnify thee. 2 As up he clomb from ridge to ridge and looked upon the toilsome task, 3 Harness thy pair of strong bay steeds, long-maned, whose bodies fill the girths, 4 Come hither, answer thou the song, sing in approval, cry aloud. 5 To Indra must a laud be said, to strengthen him who freely gives, 6 Him, him we seek for friendship, him for riches and heroic might. 7 Easy to turn and drive away, Indra, is spoil bestowed by thee. 8 The heaven and earth contain thee not, together, in thy wrathful mood. 9 Hear, thou whose ear is quick, my call; take to thee readily my songs 10 We know thee mightiest of all, in battles hearer of our cry. 11 O Indra, Son of Kusika, drink our libation with delight. 12 Lover of song, may these our songs on every side encompass thee: