Rig Veda Mandal - 1 (Part - 1) HYMN 108. Indra-Agni
1 ON that most wondrous car of yours, O Indra and Agni, which looks round on all things living, 2 As vast as all this world is in its compass, deep as it is, with its far-stretching surface, 3 For ye have won a blessed name together: yea, with one aim ye strove, O Vrtra-slayers. 4 Both stand adorned, when fires are duly kindled, spreading the sacred grass, with lifted ladles. 5 The brave deeds ye have done, Indra and Agni, the forms ye have displayed and mighty exploits, 6 As first I said when choosing you, in battle we must contend with Asuras for this Soma. 7 If in your dwelling, or with prince or Brahman, ye, Indra-Agni, Holy Ones, rejoice you, 8 If with, the Yadus, Turvasas, ye sojourn, with Druhyus, Anus, Purus, Indra-Agni! 9 Whether, O Indra-Agni, ye be dwelling in lowest earth, in central, or in highest. 10 Whether, O Indra-Agni, ye be dwelling in highest earth, in central, or in lowest, 11 Whether ye be in heaven, O Indra-Agni, on earth, on mountains, in the herbs, or waters, 12 If, when the Sun to the mid-heaven hath mounted, ye take delight in food, O Indra-Agni, 13 Thus having drunk your fill of our libation, win us all kinds of wealth, Indra and Agni. This prayer of ours may Varuna grant, and Mitra, and Aditi and Sindhu, Earth and Heaven.