Rig Veda Mandal - 1 (Part - 1) HYMN 113. Dawn1 This light is come, amid all lights the fairest; born is the brilliant, far-extending brightness. 2 The Fair, the Bright is come with her white offspring; to her the Dark One hath resigned her 3 Common, unending is the Sisters' pathway; taught by the Gods, alternately they travel. 4 Bright leader of glad sounds, our eyes behold her; splendid in hue she hath unclosed the portals. 5 Rich Dawn, she sets afoot the coiled-up sleeper, one for enjoyment, one for wealth or worship, 6 One to high sway, one to exalted glory, one to pursue his gain, and one his labour:
7 We see her there, the Child of Heaven apparent, the young Maid, flushing in her shining raiment. 8 She first of endless morns to come hereafter, follows the path of morns that have departed. 9 As thou, Dawn, hast caused Agni to be kindled, and with the Sun's eye hast revealed creation. 10 How long a time, and they shall be together,-Dawns that have shone and Dawns to shine 11 Gone are the men who in the days before us looked on the rising of the earlier Morning. 12 Foe-chaser, born of Law, the Law's protectress, joy-giver waker of all pleasant voices, 13 From days eternal hath Dawn shone, the Goddess, and shows this light to-day, endowed with 14 In the sky's borders hath she shone in splendour: the Goddess hath thrown off the veil of 15 Bringing all life-sustaining blessings with her, showing herself she sends forth brilliant lustre. 16 Arise! the breath, the life, again hath reached us: darkness hath passed away and light 17 Singing the praises of refulgent Mornings with his hymn's web the priest, the poet rises. 18 Dawns giving sons all heroes, kine and horses, shining upon the man who brings oblations,- 19 Mother of Gods, Aditi's forui of glory, ensign of sacrifice, shine forth exalted. 20 Whatever splendid wealth the Dawns bring with them to bless the man who offers praise and