Rig Veda Mandal - 1 (Part - 1) HYMN 182 Asvins1 THIS was the task. Appear promptly, ye prudent Ones. Here is the chariot drawn by strong steeds: be ye glad. 2 Longed for, most Indra-like, mighty, most Marut-like, most w6nderful in deed, car-borne, best 3 What make ye there, ye Mighty? Wherefore linger ye with folk who, offering not, are held in high 4 Crunch up on. every side the dogs who bark at us: slay ye our foes, O Asvins this ye understand. 5 Ye made for Tugra's son amid the water-floods that animated ship with wings to fly withal, 6 Four ships most welcome in the midst of ocean, urged by the Asvins, save the son of Tugra, 7 What tree was that which stood fixed in surrounding sea to which the son of Tugra supplicating 8 Welcome to you be this the hymn of praises uttered by Manas, O Nasatyas, Heroes,