Sama Veda FIRST PART BOOK VI Chapter I Decade V Soma Pavamana
1 In forefront of the cars forth goes the hero, the leader, seeking spoil: his host rejoices. 2 Thy streams have been poured forth with all their sweetness, when, cleansed thou passest through the woollen filter. 3 Let us sing praises to the Gods: sing loudly, send ye the Soma forth for mighty riches! 4 Urged on, the father of the earth and heaven hath gone forth like a car to gather booty. 5 When, by the law of the Most High, in presence of heaven and earth, the fond mind's utterance formed him. 6 Ten sisters, pouring out the rain together, the sage's quickly-moving thoughts, adorn him. 7 When beauties strive for him as for a charger, then strive the songs as people for the sunlight. 8 Strong Indu, bathed in milk, flows on for Indra, Soma exciting, strength, for his carousal. 9 Pour forth this wealth with this purification: flow onward to the yellow lake, O Indu! 10 Soma, the mighty, when, the waters' offspring, he chose the Gods, performed that great achievement. 11 As for a chariot-race, the skilful speaker, first hymn, inventor, hath with song been started. 12 Hastening onward like the waves of waters our holy hymns are coming forth to Soma.