Rig Veda
Mandal - 10 (Part - 10)
HYMN 21 Agni
WITH offerings of our own we choose thee, Agni, as Invoking Priest,
For sacrifice with trimmed grass,-at your glad carouse-piercing and brightly shining. Thou art waxing great.
The wealthy ones adorn thee, they who bring us horses as their gift:
The sprinkling ladle, Agni,-at your glad carouse -and glowing offering taste thee. Thou art waxing
The holy statutes rest by thee, as 'twere with ladles that o'erflow.
Black and white-gleaming colours,-at your glad carouse-all glories thou assurnest. Thou art waxing great.
O Agni, what thou deemest wealth, Victorious and Immortal One!
Bring thou to give us vigour,-at your glad carouse -splendid at sacrifices. Thou art waxing great.
Skilled in all lore is Agni, he whom erst Atharvan brought to life.
He was Vivasvan's envoy, at your glad carouse-the weIl-loved friend of Yama, Thou art waxing great.
At sacrifices they adore thee, Agni, when the rite proceeds.
All fair and lovely treasures-at your glad carouse-thou givest him who offers. Thou art waxing great.
Men, Agni, have established thee as welcome Priest at holy rites,
Thee whose face shines with butter,-at your glad carouse-bright, with eyes most observant. Thou art waxing great.
Wide and aloft thou spreadest thee, O Agni, with tby brilliant flame.
A Bull art thou when bellowing,-at your glad carouse-thou dost impregn the Sisters. Thou art waxing great.
