Rig Veda Mandal - 6 (Part - 6) HYMN 1 Agni1 THOU, first inventor of this prayer, O Agni, Worker of Marvels, hast become our Herald. 2 As Priest thou sattest at the seat of worship, furthering us, best Offerer, meet for honour. 3 In thee, still watching, they have followed riches, who goest with much wealth as with an army, 4 They who approached the God's abode with homage, eager for glory, won them perfect glory: 5 On earth the people magnify thee greatly, thee their celestial and terrestrial riches. 6 Dear priest among mankind, adorable Agni hath seated him, joy-giver, skilled in worship. 7 Longing for bliss, pure-minded, God-devoted, Agni, we seek thee, such, meet to be lauded. 8 Sage of mankind, all peoples' Lord and Master, the Bull of men, the sender down of blessings, 9 Agni, the mortal who hath toiled and worshipped, brought thee oblations with his kindled fuel, 10 Mightily let us worship thee the Mighty, with reverence, Agni! fuel and oblations, 11 Thou who hast covered heaven and earth with splendour and with thy glories, glorious and 12 Vouchsafe us ever, as man needs, O Vasu, abundant wealth of kine for son and offspring. 13 May I obtain much wealth in many places by love of thee and through thy grace, King Agni;