Rig Veda Mandal - 6 (Part - 6) HYMN 60 Indra-Agni1 HE slays the foe and wins the spoil who worships Indra and Agni, strong and mighty Heroes, 2 So battle now, O Indra and thou, Agni, for cows and waters, sunlight, stolen Mornings. 3 With Vrtra-slaying might, Indra and Agni, come, drawn by homage, O ye Vrtra-slayers. 4 I call the Twain whose deeds of old have all been famed in ancient days 5 The Strong, the scatterers of the foe, Indra and Agni, we invoke; 6 They slay our Arya foes, these Lords of heroes, slay our Dasyu foes 7 Indra and Agni, these our songs of praise have sounded forth to you: 8 Come, Indra-Agni, with those teams, desired of many, which ye have, 9 With those to this libation poured, ye Heroes, Indra-Agni, come: 10 Glorify him who compasses all forests with his glowing flame, 11 He who gains Indra's bliss with fire enkindled finds an easy way 12 Give us fleet coursers to convey Indra and Agni, and bestow 13 Indra and Agni, I will call you hither and make you joyful with the gifts I offer. 14 Come unto us with riches, come with wealth in horses and in kine. 15 Indra and Agni, hear his call who worships. with libations poured.