Rig Veda Mandal - 6 (Part - 6) HYMN 7 Agni1 Him, messenger of earth and head of heaven, Agni Vaisvanara, born in holy Order, 2 Him have they praised, mid-point of sacrifices, great cistern of libations, seat of riches. 3 From thee, O Agni, springs the mighty singer, from thee come heroes who subdue the foeman. 4 To thee, Immortal! when to life thou springest, all the Gods sing for joy as to their infant. 5 Agni Vaisvanara, no one hath ever resisted these thy mighty ordinances, 6 The summits of the heaven are traversed through and through by the Immortal's light, Vaisvanara's brilliancy. 7 Vaisvanara, who measured out the realms of air, Sage very wise who made the lucid spheres of