Rig Veda Mandal - 7 (Part - 7) HYMN 8 Agni1 THE King whose face is decked with oil is kindled with homage offered by his faithful servant. 2 Yea, he hath been acknowledged as most mighty, the joyous Priest of men, the youthful Agni. 3 How dost thou decorate our hymn, O Agni? What power dost thou exert when thou art lauded? 4 Far famed is this the Bharata's own Agni he shineth like the Sun with lofty splendour. 5 Full many oblations are in thee collected: with all thine aspects thou hast waxen gracious. 6 Be this my song, that winneth countless treasure, engendered with redoubled force for Agni, 7 We, the Vasisthas, now implore thee, Agni, O Son of Strength, the Lord of wealth and riches.