Rig Veda Mandal - 8 (Part - 8) HYMN 45 Indra1 HITHERWARD! they who light flame and straightway trim the sacred grass. 2 High is their fuel, great their laud, wide is their splinter from the stake, 3 Unequelled in fight the hero leads his army with the warrior chiefs. 4 The new-born Vrtra-slayer asked his Mother, as he seized his shaft, 5 Savasi answered, He who seeks thine enmity will battle like 6 And hear, O Maghavan; to him who craves of thee thou grantest all 7 What time the Warrior Indra goes to battle, borne by noble steeds, 8 Repel, O Thunder-armed, in all directions all attacks on us: 9 May Indra set our car in front, in foremost Place to win the spoil, 10 Thine enmity may we escape, and, gakra, for thy bounty, rich 11 Softly approaching, Thunder-armed wealthy by hundreds, rich in steeds, 12 For thine exalted excellence gives to thy worshippers each day 13 Indra, we know thee breaker-down even of trong forts, winner of spoil, 14 Though thou art highest, Sage and Bold let the drops cheer thee when we come 15 Bring unto us the treasure of the opulent man who, loth to give, 16 Indra, these friends of ours, supplied with Soma, wait and look to thee, 17 And thee who art not deaf, whose cars are quick to listen, for our aid, 18 When thou hast listened, make our call one which thou never wilt forget, 19 When even now, when we have been in trouble, we have thought of thee, 20 O Lord of Strength, we rest on thee, as old men rest upon a staff: 21 To Indra sing a song of praise, Hero of mighty valour, him 22 Hero, the Soma being shed, I pour the juice for thee to drink: 23 Let not the fools, or those who mock beguile thee when they seek thine aid 24 Here let them with rich milky draught cheer thee to great munificence: 25 Proclaim in our assemblies what deeds, new and ancient, far away, 26 In battle of a thousand arms Indra drank Kadru's Soma juice: 27 True undeniabIc strength he found in Yadu and in Turvasa, 28 Him have I magnified, our Lord in, common, Guardian of your folk, 29 Rbhuksan, not to be restrained, who strengthened Tugra's son in lauds, 30 Who for Trisoka clave the hill that formed a wide receptacle, 31 Whate'er thy plan or purpose be, whate'er, in transport, thou wouldst do, 32 But little hath been heard of done upon the earth by one like thee i 33 Thine then shall be this high renown, thine shall these lofty praises be, 34 Not for one trespass, not for two, O Hero, slay us, nor for three, 35 I fear one powerful like thee, the crusherdown of enemies, 36 O wealthy God, ne'er may I live to see my friend or son in need. 37 What friend, O people, unprovoked, hath ever said unto a friend, 38 Hero, insatiate enjoy this Soma juice so near to thee, 39 Hither I draw those Bays of thine yoked
by our hymn, with splendid car, 40 Drive all our enemies away, smite down the foes who press around, 41 O Tndra, that which is concealed in strong firm place precipitous: 42 Great riches which the world of men shall recognize as sent by thbe: