Rig Veda Mandal - 8 (Part - 8) HYMN 63 Agni1 EXERTING all our strength with thoughts of power we glorify in speech 2 Whom, served with sacrificial oil like Mitra, men presenting gifts 3 Much-lauded Jatavedas, him who bears oblations up to heaven 4 To noblest Agni, Friend of man, best Vrtra-slayer, are we come, 5 To deathless Jatavedas, meet for praise, adored, with sacred oil, 6 Even Agni whom these priestly men worship with sacrificial gifts, 7 O Agni, this our newest hymn hath been addressed from us to thee, 8 Agni, may it be dear to thee, most grateful, and exceeding sweet: 9 Splendid with splendours may it be, and in the battle with the foe 10 Steed, cow, a lord of heroes, bright like Indra, who shall fill the car. 11 Thou whom Gopavana made glad with song, O Agni Angiras, 12 Thou whom the priestly folk implore to aid the gathering of the spoil, 13 I, called to him who reels with joy, Srutarvan, Rksa's son, shall stroke 14 Four coursers with a splendid car, Savistha's horses, fleet of foot, 15 The very truth do I declare to thee, Parusni, mighty flood.