Rig Veda Mandal - 8 (Part - 8) HYMN 98 Indra1 INDRA, the poets with. their hymns extol this hero might of thine: 2 Through piety they came to Indra for his aid, they whose libations give theejoy. 3 Agreeing in your spirit, all ye Deities, come nigh to us. 4 May Pusan, Visnu, and Sarasvati befriend, and the Seven Streams, this call of mine: 5 Indra, with thine own bounteous gift, most liberal of the Mighty Ones, 6 Leader of heroes, Lord of battle, lead thou us to combat, thou Most Sapient One. 7 Our hopes rest on the Faithful One: in Indra is the people's life. 8 Thee would we worship, Indra, with our songs of praise: O Satakratu, be thou ours.