Rig Veda Mandal - 1 (Part - 1) HYMN 118. Asvins1 FLYING, with falcons, may your chariot, Asvins, most gracious, bringing friendly 2 Come to us with your chariot triple seated, three-wheeled, of triple form, that rolleth lightly. 3 With your well-rolling car, descending swiftly, hear this the press-stone's song, ye Wonder- 4 O Asvins, let your falcons bear you hither, yoked to your chariot, swift, with flying pinions, 5 The youthful Daughter of the Sun, delighting in you, ascended there your chariot, Heroes. 6 Ye raised up Vandana, strong WonderWorkers! with great might, and with power ye rescued 7 To Atri, cast down to the fire that scorched him, ye gave, O Asvins, strengthening tbod and favour. 8 For ancient Sayti in his sore affliction ye caused his cow to swell with milk, O Asvins. 9 A white horse, Asvins, ye bestowed on Pedu, a serpent-slaying steed sent down by Indra, 10 Such as ye are, O nobly horn, O Heroes, we in our trouble call on you for succour. 11 Come unto us combined in love, Nasatyas come with the fresh swift vigour of the falcon. Bearing oblations I invoke you, Asvins, at the first break of everlasting morning.