Sama Veda FIRST PART BOOK I Chapter I Decade I Agni
1 Come, Agni, praised with song, to feast and sacrificial offering: sit 2 O Agni, thou hast been ordained Hotar of every sacrifice, 3 Agni we choose as envoy, skilled performer of this holy rite, 4 Served with oblation, kindled, bright, through love of song may Agni, bent 5 I laud your most beloved guest like a dear friend, O Agni, him 6 Do thou, O Agni, with great might guard us from all malignity, 7 O Agni, come; far other songs of praise will I sing forth to thee. 8 May Vatsa draw thy mind away even from thy loftiest dwelling place! 9 Agni, Atharvan brought thee forth by rubbing from the sky, the head 10 O Agni, bring us radiant light to be our mighty succour, for