Sama Veda FIRST PART BOOK I Chapter II Decade IV Agni
1 Bring us most mighty splendour thou, Agni, resistless on thy way: 2 May the brave man, if full of zeal he serve and kindle Agni's flame, 3 Thy bright smoke lifts itself aloft, and far-extended shines in heaven, 4 Thou, Agni, even as Mitra, hast a princely glory of thine own. 5 At dawn let Agni, much-beloved, guest of the house, be glorified, 6 Most moving song be Agni's: shine on high, O rich in radiant light! 7 Exerting all our strength with thoughts of power we glorify in speech 8 His beam hath lofty power of life: sing praise to Agni, to the God 9 To noblest Agni, friend of man, chief Vritra-slayer, have we come- 10 Born as the loftiest Law commands, comrade of those who grew with him.