Sama Veda FIRST PART BOOK II Chapter II Decade I Indra and Others
1 Indra whose jaws are strong hath drunk of worshipping Sudaksha's draught, 2 O Lord of ample wealth, these songs of praise have called aloud to thee, 3 Then straight they recognized the mystic name of the creative Steer, 4 When Indra, strongest hero, brought the streams, the mighty waters down, 5 The Cow, the streaming mother of the liberal Maruts, pours her milk, 6 Come, Lord of rapturous joys, to our libation with thy bay steeds, come 7 Presented strengthening gifts have sent Indra away at sacrifice, 8 I from my Father have received deep knowledge of eternal Law: 9 With Indra splendid feasts be ours, rich in all strengthening things, wherewith, 10 Soma and Pushan, kind to him who travels to the Gods, provide