Sama Veda FIRST PART BOOK II Chapter II Decade II Indra
1 Invite ye Indra with a song to drink your draught of Soma steeds, juice, 2 Sing ye a song, to make him glad, to Indra, Lord of tawny 3 This, even this, O Indra, we implore: as thy devoted friends 4 For Indra, lover of carouse, loud be our songs about the juice 5 Here, Indra, is thy Soma draught, made pure upon the sacred grass: 6 As a good cow to him who milks, we call the doer of good deeds 7 Hero, the Soma being shed, I pour the juice for thee to drink 8 The Soma, Indra, which is shed in saucers and in cups for thee, 9 In every need, in every fray we call, as friends, to succour us, 10 O come ye hither, sit ye down: to Indra sing ye forth your song,