Sama Veda FIRST PART BOOK II Chapter II Decade III Indra
1 So, Lord of affluent gifts, this juice hath been expressed for thee with strength: 2 Great is our Indra from of old; greatness be his, the Thunderer 3 Indra, as one with mighty arm, gather for us with thy right hand 4 Praise, even as he is known, with song Indra the guardian of the kine, 5 With what help will he come to us, wonderful, ever-waxing friend? 6 Thou speedest down to succour us this ever-conquering God of yours 7 To the assembly's wondrous Lord, the lovely friend of Indra, I 8 May all thy paths beneath the sky whereby thou speddest Vyasva on, 9 Bring to us all things excellent, O Satakratu, food and strength, 10 Here is the Soma ready pressed: of this the Maruts, yea, of this,