Sama Veda FIRST PART BOOK III Chapter I Decade II Indra
1 Him have I magnified, our Lord in common, guardian of your folk, 2 Songs have outpoured themselves to thee, Indra, the strong, the guardian Lord, 3 Good guidance hath the mortal man whom Arya-man, the Marut host, 4 Bring us the wealth for which we long, O Indra, that which is concealed 5 Him your best Vritra-slayer, him the famous champion of mankind 6 Indra, may we adorn thy fame, fame of one like thee, hero! deck, 7 Indra, accept at break of day our Soma mixt with roasted corn, 8 With waters' foam thou torest off, Indra, the head of Namuchi, 9 Thine are these Soma juices, thine, Indra, those still to be expressed: 10 For thee, O Indra, Lord of light, Somas are pressed and grass is strewn: