Sama Veda FIRST PART BOOK III Chapter I Decade III Indra
1 We seeking strength, with Soma drops fill full your Indra like a well, 2 O Indra, even from that place come unto us with food that gives 3 The new-born Vritra-slayer asked his mother, as he seized his shaft, 4 Let us call him to aid whose hands stretch far, the highly-lauded, who 5 Mitra who knoweth leadeth us, and Varuna who guideth straight, 6 When, even as she were present here, red Dawn hath shone from far away, 7 Varuna, Mitra, sapient pair, pour fatness on our pastures, pour 8 And, at our sacrifices, these, sons, singers, have enlarged their bounds, 9 Through all this world strode Vishnu: thrice his foot he planted, and the whole