Sama Veda FIRST PART BOOK III Chapter I Decade IV Indra
1 Pass by the wrathful offerer; speed the man who pours libation, drink 2 What is the word addressed to him, God great and excellently wise? 3 His wealth who hath no store of kine hath ne'er found out recited laud, 4 Lord of each thing that giveth strength, Indra delighteth most in lauds, 5 With wealth to our libation come, be not thou angry with us, like 6 When, Vasu, wilt thou love the laud? Now let the Channel bring the stream. 7 After the Seasons. Indra, drink the Soma from the Brahman's gift: 8 O Indra, lover of the song, we are the singers of thy praise 9 O Indra, in each fight and fray give to our bodies manly strength: 10 For so thou art the brave man's friend; a hero, too, art thou, and strong: