Sama Veda FIRST PART BOOK IV Chapter I Decade III Indra
1 Pressed is the juice divine with milk commingled: thereto hath Indra ever been accustomed. 2 A home is made for thee to dwell in, Indra: O much-invoked one, with the men go thither! 3 The well thou clavest, settest free the fountains, and gavest rest to floods that were obstructed. 4 When we have pressed the juice we laud thee, Indra, most valorous! even about to win the booty. 5 Thy right hand have we grasped in ours, O Indra, longing, thou very Lord of wealth, for treasures. 6 Men call on Indra in the armed encounter that he may make the hymns they sing decisive. 7 Like birds of beauteous wing the Priyamedhas, Rishis, imploring, have come nigh to Indra. 8 They gaze on thee with longing in their spirit, as on a strongwinged bird that mounteth sky-ward; 9 First in the ancient time was Prayer engendered: Vena disclosed the bright ones from the summit, 10 They have prepared and fashioned for this hero words never matched, most plentiful, most auspicious,