Sama Veda FIRST PART BOOK IV Chapter I Decade IV Indra
1 The black drop sank in Ansumati's bosom, advancing with ten thousand round about it. 2 Flying in terror from the snort of Vritra all deities who were thy friends forsook thee. 3 The old hath waked the young Moon from his slumber who runs his circling course with many round him. 4 Then, at thy birth, thou wast the foeman, Indra, of those the seven who ne'er had met a rival. 5 A friend we count thee, sharp-edged, thunder-wielder, Steer strong of body, overthrowing many. 6 Bring to the wise, the great, who waxeth mighty your offerings,. and make ready your devotion! 7 Call we on Maghavan, auspicious Indra, best hero in this fight where spoil is gathered, 8 Prayers have been offered up-through love of glory: Vasishtha, honour Indra in the battle! 9 May the sweet Soma juices make him happy to cast his quoit that lies in depth of waters!