Sama Veda FIRST PART BOOK IV Chapter I Decade V Indra and Others
1 This vigorous one whom deities commission, the conqueror of cars, the strong and mighty, 2 Indra the rescuer, Indra the helper, hero who listens at each invocation, 3 Indra whose right hand wields the bolt we worship, driver of bay steeds seeking sundered courses. 4 The ever-slaying, bold and furious Indra, the bright bolt's Lord, the strong, the great, the boundless, 5 The man who lies in wait and fights against us, deeming himself a giant or a hero,-- 6 He whom men call when striving with their foemen, or speeding onward in array of battle, 7 On a high car, O Parvata and Indra, bring pleasant viands, with brave heroes, hither! 8 In ceaseless flow hath he poured forth his praises, as waters from the ocean's depth, to Indra, 9 May our friends turn thee hitherward to friendship! Mayst thou approach us even o'er many rivers! 10 Who yokes to-day unto the pole of Order the strong and passionate steers of checkless spirit,