Sama Veda FIRST PART BOOK IV Chapter II Decade I Indra
1 The singers hymn thee, they who chant the psalm of praise are lauding thee. 2 All sacred-songs have magnified Indra expansive as the sea, 3 This poured libation, Indra, drink, immortal, gladdening, excellent: 4 Stone-darting Indra, wondrous God, what wealth thou hast not given me here, 5 O Indra, hear Tiraschi's call, the call of him who serveth thee! 6 This Soma hath been pressed for thee, O Indra: bold one, mightiest, come! 7 Come hither, Indra, with thy bays, come thou to Kanva's eulogy! 8 Song-lover! like a charioteer come songs to thee when Soma flows. 9 Come now and let us glorify pure Indra with pure Sama hymn! 10 That which, most wealthy, makes you rich, in splendours most illustrious,