Sama Veda FIRST PART BOOK IV Chapter II Decade II Indra Dadhikravan
1 Bring forth oblations to the God who knoweth all who fain would drink, 2 To us the mighty, lying in all vital power, who resteth in the deep, who standeth in the east. 3 Even as a car to give us aid, we draw thee nigh to favour us, 4 With powers of mighty ones hath he, the friend, the ancient, been equipped, 5 What time the swift and shining steeds, yoked to the chariots, draw them on, 6 Him for your sake I glorify as Lord of Strength who wrongeth none, 7 I with my praise have glorified strong Dadhikravan, conquering steed 8 Render of forts, the young, the wise, of strength unmeasured, was he born,