Sama Veda FIRST PART BOOK IV Chapter II Decade III Indra and Others
1 Offer the triple sacred draught to Indu hero-worshipper! 2 Those whom they call the attendant pair of Kasyapa who knows the light, 3 Sing, sing ye forth your songs of praise, men, Priya-medhas, sing your songs: 4 To Indra must a laud be said, a joy to him who freely gives, 5 Your Lord of might that ne'er hath bent, that ruleth over all mankind, 6 Even he who is thine own, through thought of Heaven, of mortal man who toils, 7 Wide, Indra Satakratu, spreads the bounty of thine ample grace: 8 Bright Ushas, when thy times return, all quadrupeds and bipeds stir, 9 Ye Gods who yonder have your home amid the luminous realm of heaven, 10 We offer laud and psalm wherewith men celebrate their holy rites.