Sama Veda
Chapter II
Decade III Indra and others
At the Trikadrukas the great and strong enjoyed the barley-brew. With Vishnu did he drink the pressed-out Soma juice, even as he would.
That hath so heightened him the great, the wide to do his mighty work. So did the God attend the God, true Indu Indra who is true.
This God who sees for thousands of mankind, the light, the thought of poets, and the Law,
The brilliant one, hath sent forth hither all the Dawns: spotless, one-minded, zealous in their home they dwell, with thought upon the Steer.
Come to us, Indra, from afar, conducting us, as, to the gatherings, a Lord of heroes, as an archer King, the heroes' Lord!
We come with gifts of pleasant food, with flowing juice, invoking thee, as sons invite a sire, that we may win the spoil, thee, bounteousest, for gain of spoil.
Loudly I call that Indra Maghavan, the mighty, resistless, evermore possessing many glories.
Holy, most liberal, may he lead us on to riches, through songs, and, thunder-armed make all our pathways pleasant!
Heard be our prayer! In thought I honour Agni first: now straightway we elect this heavenly company, Indra and Vayu we elect.
For when our latest thought is raised and on Vivasvan centred well, then do our holy songs go forward on their way, our songs as 'twere unto the Gods.
To Vishnu, to the mighty whom the Maruts follow, let your hymns born in song go forth, Evayamarut!
To the strong, very holy band adorned with bracelets, that rushes on in joy and ever roars for vigour!
With this his golden splendour purifying him, be with his own allies subdues all enemies, as Sura with his own allies.
Cleansing himself with stream of juice he shines forth yellow-hued and red, when with the praisers he encompasses all, forms, with praisers having seven mouths.
I praise this God, parent of heaven and earth, exceeding wise, possessed of real energy, giver of treasure, thinker dear to all,
Whose splendour is sublime, whose light shone brilliant in, creation, who, wise and golden-handed, in his beauty mader the sky.
Agni I deem our Hotar-priest, munificent wealth-giver, Son of Strength, who, knoweth all that is, even as the Sage who, knoweth all.
Lord of fair rites, a God with form erected turning to the Gods, he, when the flame hath sprung forth from the holy oil, the offered fatness, longs for it as it glows bright.
This, Indra! dancer! was thy hero deed, thy first and ancient work, worthy to be told forth in heaven,
Even thine who furtheredst life with a God's own power, freeing the floods. All that is godless may he conquer with his might, and, Lord of Hundred Powers, find for us strength and food!
