Functions of Planning Department, Uttar Pradesh Government

Functions of Planning Department, Uttar Pradesh Government

  1. Formulation, scrutiny and adjustment of State 5-Year Plan, publicity and collection of plan statistics.
  2. Co-ordination with Five-year Plan and Annual plan.
  3. Assessment and allocation of resources for the Plan and evaluation of general progress of Plan Projects.
  4. Regional Development and District Plans.
  5. Manpower, Planning and Survey.
  6. Identification of backward areas and industrially backward areas and plan formulation for their development.
  7. Programme for Study and Survey by the Institute of Public Administration.
  8. Pilot Research Projects in Growth Centres.
  9. National Development Council, Directorate of Statistics and Evaluation, State Planning Board, Kosi Vikas Pradhikar, Committee on Plan Projects, Empowered Committee and Externally Aided Projects.
